(503) 362-7998


The Paralyzed Veterans of America Tri-State Chapter is committed to the re-integration of our nations spinal cord impaired and diseased veterans. The Programs we run are Hospital Liaison, Communications, Sports and Recreation, Advocacy and Legislation, Membership, and Benefits. The Tri-State Chapter of PVA is recognized as a 501(c)3 and allows us to raise funds to support our programming.

Feel free to check out each individual program in depth by clicking on the hyperlink. We appreciate all of those who have assisted us in our outreach and encourage those of you who would like to  sponsor, volunteer, or donate to contact us at TriStatePVA@TriStatePVA.org or call 503-362-7998.


PVA Paralyzed Veterans of America | Tri-State Chapter logo


600 N. Water St.
Silverton, OR 97381
Phone: (503) 362-7998