(503) 362-7998

Tri-State PVA Membership

Tri-State PVA will establish and maintain a membership program for disabled citizens of in our Area with an emphasis on spinal cord injured or neurologically impaired veterans. This program will also promote the name PVA Tri-State Chapter by locating new members and volunteers through: networking with other disability groups, media, and membership drives. Through the membership program we offer two social events annually. The first membership event is the members picnic. The second is in September, the members are invited to our Annual Banquet to celebrate our year in review. For more information please call 503-362-7998 or email oregonpva@oregonpva.org.

Complete and return application to the chapter or by mail, email, or fax to: Paralyzed Veterans of America Membership Department, 801 Eighteenth Street NW, Washington, DC 20006; (E) ChristiH@pva.org; (F) 202.466.6549

Reasons to become a member

Recreation Fund

The Recreation Fund was established to give the opportunity to choose an activity that they enjoy to participate in. This program reimburses members for their activity expenses on an annual basis. The motive behind this program is to get the paralyzed veteran out of the house and into society.

Annual Banquet

The Annual Banquet gives the Chapter the opportunity to recognize the value of its volunteers as well as present awards.
Call the Chapter office for more details: 503-362-7998.

Educational Scholarships

Tri-State PVA’s primary goal has been to assist its members and their families in improving the quality of their lives. The Educational Scholarship Program was developed to assist members and their immediate family with a $500.00 grant for their post-secondary education.

State Parks Benefits

Along with our partners, we have helped increase access to Oregon State Parks by providing Day-Use Parking Permits for 325 ZipCar and ReachNow vehicles!

Next Steps


Becoming a member is easy! Fill out the appropriate form below. To qualify, you must have been accepted and entered into the armed forces, released with more than a dishonorable discharge, and have a spinal cord impairment or disease.

Complete and return application to the chaptor or by mail, email, or fax to: Paralyxed Veterans of America Membership Department, 801 Eighteenth Street NW, Washington, DC 20006; (E) ChristiH@pva.org; (F) 202.466.6549

Volunteer Opportunities

Have you ever wanted to make a difference? Do you have extra time on your hands? Do you care about people? Give us a call or send us an email. We’d like to get you involved.

Oregon Disability Placards

The Oregon DMV issues several types of placards for handicapped parking.

NOTE: The only disability license plates in Oregon are disabled veteran plates, which must be accompanied by a disability placard for handicapped parking access.

Veterans’ Memorial

Serving in the military is not for everyone, but the dedication and sacrifice for those who serve should always be remembered. If you have Chapter member loved one or a friend who you would like remembered on our Memorial Wall, please contact us.


PVA Paralyzed Veterans of America | Tri-State Chapter logo


600 N. Water St.
Silverton, OR 97381
Phone: (503) 362-7998