(503) 362-7998


DMV Disability Signs

The Oregon DMV issues several types of placards for hadicapped parking, learn the differences, or fill out the application for one.

Donated Items

PVA Tri-State Chapter has many items that have been donated to us for the purpose of giving it to someone who needs it. Check with us before you purchase.


Links to the donation form, membership applciation, VA healthcare complaint form, etc.

Legislative Issues

Paralyzed Veterans of America works with policymakers to implement legislation to improve benefits and heathcare for veterans and their families.


Links to governemt entities, businesses, and non-profits, that work with veterans and their needs.

Memorial Wall

A dedicated page to the past members of  Paralyzed Veterans of America Tri-State Chapter.

News Releases

Recent and important news releases.


Links to newsletters from firms and programs that work for the betterment of veterans’ lives

PVA Tri-State Chapter Annual Report

Links to PVA Tri-State Chapter’s annual reports.

Oregon Department of Veteran's Affairs

Various links detailing events, benefits, education, and healthcare for veterans.

Oregon State Parks Foundation

The Oregon State Parks Foundation is working to preserve 255 Oregon State parks. Visit these parks with a ZipCar – without having to pay a day-use parking fee!

Paralog Magazine

Tri-State Chapter’s own magazine, available online.

The Independent Budget

Budget and policy recommendations to inform Congress and the Administration of  the needs of our members and all veterans…

Veterans Crisis Line

Reach a VA profesional, who is specially trained to attend to emotional crises for Veterans and service members.

Veterans Discounts

A detailed list of products and services that have veterans discounts.


An automated, interactive text message system to remind Veterans of upcoming VA appointments.

Video Links

Paralyzed veterans and people in wheelchairs can stay active – here are some video links to keep you motivated, if you are a paralyzed veteran or not.

Burial Information

“…a new rule change means that your veteran can take care of the eligibility part of the VA burial benefits ahead of time.”


PVA Paralyzed Veterans of America | Tri-State Chapter logo


600 N. Water St.
Silverton, OR 97381
Phone: (503) 362-7998